Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Week 9: Post production problems

Okay, we had a tough day today, and may have slightly overreacted as our film isn't on the same level as Gears Of War, but i burnt it to dvd, and it looks amazing on my hdtv, the contrast's so good the white light actually blinds you at the end, so i think we should submit it on that! Haha.

But seriously, due to several factors we had not perhaps had enough time to explore all the areas we had wanted to at the start, for example heat haze, and sand effects, which would have given it that extra depth, as myself, Jeff, Sam King and Kanika have absolutely no experience with After Effects it was impossible at such a late stage to add in these extra layers to the film - which has led perhaps to it looking slightly more "3d" than we had wanted.

The other problem was the hyper-realistic style we went for, which means you scrutinize any area that is less than perfect, and the lighting in some shots looks really nice, and in others quite flat and lifeless.

Hours experiment in Premiere, chopping, changing and trying literally every filter has led to us improving the overall effect slightly, but when rendered the compressors seem to result in a "washed out" affect.

However I think overall, the camera set-ups and environmental modelling is really successful, and with the spanish guitar music and subtle wind effects, we have still have a good outcome, just that our ambition exceeded our time and scheduling, and as we have only been able to actually meet as a group one day a week for the past three weeks, (due to Harveys work experience, Sam's medical problems and various other unforeseen circumstances) it has been difficult in the final stages to communicate - as we all have our own individual specialisms.
Things went down hill...

Week 9: Nearly there!!!!

Well just for an update.......

Sam: Figured out all his problems with his section of the environment and has handed over to Matt to get the final animation finished within his scene.

Matt: Has finished the animation on the cat and touched up the the animation on the ball in the last shot.

Harvey: Has touched up the lighting in Sam's environment, and has cleaned up the animation on the ball in the first scene. He also has made the starting credits and has handed it over to Jeff to put into Premier

Jeff: Has found some sound effects, and has started putting the finished rendered scenes into Premier.

Kanika: I have textured the ball and made the basic block out of the ball in the first scene, which Harvey has in-betweened.

We only have two more shots to render, and hopefully by today they will be complete. Then all that is left to do is make sure we haven't made any major mistakes if so then we will have to re-render those particular shots. We are currently on time with our production schedule, hopefully things will not go down hill towards the end of the week!!!!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Week 8: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Dearest all,

If you haven't thrown urself under a bus by now congratulations! If you have we hope to scrape up your remains by the time the project is over if the renders ever finish!

Meanwhile back at the update!

Today we had another meeting with Jared. I think we all know where we stand but to re-cap

Harvey: Getting lighting finished on my scene and Jeff's so that while I'm away on work experience you can start rendering out all these scenes by just importing the cat and then moving the tiff sequences across into the premiere blockout replacing the playblasts. Then i'll come in next week to get the majority of the editting done and be close to completion.

Matt:Get the last of the changews done to the cat animations done, get everything finessed to a T and then put them in the environments and get rendering.

Kanika: Get the ball of wool animating in the first and last scenes. Do it 'nice'! Squash and stretch, nice bounce and momentum! You know the drill sweetheart!

Sam: Sort out the f**k up's, We all know the thing is a total minefield but sort out your section in whatever which way is possible and get it renderable with some good textures on it if you have to go back to pre-textured models. Sure it'll look lovely, get the lighting from mine if you need or wait until Tuesday and I will light it identically.

Jeff: Keep Sam away from buses he might jump under! Also oversee rendering and check for errors etc. and help Kanika if she needs help getting that bouncing ball looking the dogs knackers!

Think that's it really so off to it. Will re-group next week and I will be in close touch all the time with Matt to cross reference and give feedback on any shots and animations before it goes to render and potentially looks shite for 20 hours of rendering!!!!!

Keep at it guys.

Home stretch now!

Pints on Harvey at the end......get the orders in!


PS. Happy B'day Matt. Hip-hip hooray!

Saturday, 17 November 2007


Hey people,

I finished the old lady and have made frames for the posada inspired room. I have however been having a few problems with the ball of wool, yarn whatever!

If you have any ideas on how to produce an authentic ball of wool in maya im all ears.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Week 6: Production Schedule

As promised one cushty production i said guys...this is the CRUNCH week!

Have a nice day!

Week 6: Important Meeting

Hey guys,

So yeah we got together today to discuss things and kinda bring everyone back together to see where we were at. For me I think this is gonna be a big week to make sure we stay on track as the texturing could be a big section. I think we kinda talked about this today.

I'm going to update the production schedule for this coming week in accordance with what we spoke about. Basically by this time next week we are all aiming to be at the following stages.

Sam, Jeff and myself will all be aiming to have our sections of the environment modelled and totally textured.
Sam will also work on skies for the whole thing as they will be most important in his scene.
Kanika will finish modelling the old lady for the opening shot and get this textured as well as working on her props for the room.
Matt will concentrate on the animation starting to finesse the motion more and start pinning down individual shots with all the camera angles and pans sorted.

As of Tuesday on Week 7 it will be down to me and Sam most likely to work on some good lighting for the areas and then Jeff and Kanika will be working on animating areas of the environment. Also jobs such as particle experimenting, heat effects, cloth usage and other finishing touches will be considered by anyone who doesn't have a task set for the end of week 7.

Week 8 will be when Matt's animation comes together with the environment animation and the finishing effects and we will start rendering leaving the remainder of week 8 and all of week 9 to concentrate on Editing, Post-production and Sound aswell as some extras such as credits if we have time.

I'll post a new production schedule after this.


Saturday, 27 October 2007

Week 4: Production Schedule

Hey guys, I've updated the production schedule for the week, obviously changed it because Matt has finished his modelling and rigging, Also I think we would like to spend a little longer on modelling considering how good the results are, and we can obviously spend less time on texturing now because we found it will be easier texturing on the large flat planes we have for the sides of the buildings. Anyways heres the plan.

Week 4: Summary

Hey guys, just thought I would re-cap this week. So basically we all kinda got into it. Matt is really cracking on with the cat model and animating, starting to test that out. Kanika is modelling the room and working on alot of the props for that section in there. As for me, Sam and Jeff we have all cracked on with the main modelling. Jeff is looking at that first street, Sam is on the courtyard and I'm looking at the alleyway. We are all kind of modelling nice little sections that we can all mix and match in different buildings so I think we will get alot of diversity this way.

We also brought together our storyboards at the beginning of the week and were really pleased with how it was working. Bar a few little camera angle niggles the actual narrative fitted together nicely and generally worked well for the minute we have to play with.

So on with the modelling for Week 5!

Monday, 22 October 2007

My blog is all working now guys

Friday, 19 October 2007

Basic 3frame cat run cycle

This is the first cat animation i made, its stepped with only 3 frames, and took about 20 mins, so after a couple o' weeks im feeling positive i can do sum nice stuff, and then its literally putting it into the environment.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Week 3: Production Schedule

I've whacked up this as a rough production schedule. It might be different to the one we put together as a group but I think we can use this until next week and then re-evaluate it then. Its got a section for each person and its very rough and sketchy at the moment. Also I've noted down the lectures we have on each of the days and a progress tracker for individual tasks on the right hand side. I'll post this on the main blog aswell as my own blog.

Also I have spent the afternoon updating my own blog if you wanna take a look!

Week 3 Meeting

Hey, so we met up after Barcelona on Wednesday and started getting our narrative sorted. Just thought I would re-cap that meeting here a little. Basically we decided on a rough map that we could use for our cat to go through and divided the rough layout into 5 sections.

Each person will b working to storyboard a separate section of the animation and we will bring these storyboards together at the start of Week 4 to check everything is matching up and making sense. Once we have got all this planning out of the way we will start assigning roles for the practical side so we all know what we are working on. Obviously Matt will be working on the cat and Sam will no doubt be working on the main terrain and environment space. it will then be down to me and Jeff to work on buildings and structures while I reckon Kanika will work with props and objects in the environment.

Friday, 5 October 2007

New Blog

Hey guys,
Being as we all need our own blogs I've made my own on here with the same design etc.

The URL is

If we all make a similar URL and just change ours names then it will all be generic. Then we just gotta link em up to one page!



Let's get the blog sorted!

We need to sort this out before we fill it up too much. Can we make it like Jared said so we all have our own individual blogs off the one home page thingy. I'll be honest, haven't got a clue how to do it so any volunteers *cough* Sam *cough*

Cheers dudes and dudettes


Thursday, 4 October 2007

First storyboard

This shows the first idea we had, with the pan out from the old lady in her room to the destroyed house and city.

Cat drawings

Cat stuff

Catty drawings
Before we get too far into this stuff, are we definately doing it right, cos i got this email:

"it will be one page for each team that links together the individual blogs for the team members. You will not be doing a group blog, it will be an individual blog that consists entirely of your individual contribution to the project. All the blogs will be reachable from a team page, which will have no blog content on it and functions only as a portal to the individual blogs."

in reference to the blog
Hmm, as much as I like the picture you've done I personally think a more Barcelona-city setting would have more of an impact. I know its cliche but fink of gears of war.

Spanish Village

Hi Guys, excuse the shoddy photoshop picture (its all on one layer, how unprofessional lol *hangs head in shame*)- Just a quick interpreation of a spanish village I saw on google. Obviously will have to wait to see what Barcelona will look like in person, but I was just showing you guys how i visualised 'Spain'. Obviously Barcelona is more modern than this in places- what with all its bars etc.. Was just showing a different option we could follow- a more traditional spanish village- let me know your thoughts- See you all tomoz anyways :)

Old Woman

OK im going to focus on the old woman. I am going to be looking at different types of artist for inspiration and their different styles to see if that can help me come up with more design ideas. If you have any artists in mind then please dont hesistate to tell me the more the better!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

The times are wrong

Sam why are the times we posted our blogs wrong?

The Cat!

Rito, really late, but felt a compulsion to scroll this down now, I'm doing the cat, I'm watching "the aristocats", and taking pictures/drawing/using video camera to research feline behaviour, and ill possibly/probably design my own (with or without a bandana!) - gona bring in all my catty research for friday to try and convince you guys to have the cat as a running motif throughout the whole minute masterpiece!


Lens flare!