Tuesday, 2 October 2007

The Cat!

Rito, really late, but felt a compulsion to scroll this down now, I'm doing the cat, I'm watching "the aristocats", and taking pictures/drawing/using video camera to research feline behaviour, and ill possibly/probably design my own (with or without a bandana!) - gona bring in all my catty research for friday to try and convince you guys to have the cat as a running motif throughout the whole minute masterpiece!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

cool, well i'm probably already convinced that the cat would be a nice little character for our environment for the entire minute. Would help us to move around the environment easier too.(as we follow what the cat is exploring in all the rubble etc...)
Have you got any initial ideas of what the cat would be like?
i.e. Is it clumsy cat- maybe it could knock things over and cause a chain reaction of events
or maybe its a cautious cat, aware that something is not quite right in the city and so is always careful where it steps next?
I suppose as its a barren city, food is probably scarce, so maybe the cats main objective is to find food which may mean it enjoys a good rummage?